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Terms Of Reference


Members of the Croydon Active Voices are, any parent and carer of a child/young person who has additional needs, who lives in Croydon can be part of our membership and join the steering group Members meet once a moment or as and when necessary.


Decisions are taken as a collective within the steering group. The Steering Group have the role of Co-chair’s to support the group at our monthly meetings. Decisions will be brought to steering group and this is recorded via minutes. The Steering Group will work as a collective when it comes to decisions on the vision and mission of the forum. To ensure accountability, the steering group will be transparent in their working and how to raise questions and concerns can be found on website, so that issues can be raised and dealt with in a timely manner. Please see our Code of Conduct on our website.


 We have a hosting organisation (Mencap, Croydon) who deal with our finance and apply for the parent carer grant on behalf of the Steering Group. When it comes to decision making on how the grant is spent, the steering group decides on what the grant is spent on and has oversight on the budget throughout the financial year.


The finances of Croydon PCF are processed by our hosting organisations which we pay 10% from our grant monies to ensure a timely and smooth process is in place. In the event that our constitution has to be changed, it will be agreed by the steering group and presented to our members at our AGM for a vote. In the event Croydon Active Voices has to close, it will communicate with its members first of all and decision on why the forum is closing and communicate out to stakeholders on this decision. It will work with hosting organisation and steering group will decision on which charities any leftover monies will go too

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